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Tag: Bicycling (Page 2 of 14)

Sleeping Bear Trail- Bohemian Rd Loop-1

Sleeping Bear Trail- Bohemian Rd Loop

Riding this loop will expose you to much history in this area of Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore. Departing from Glen Arbor, the corridor is flanked by scenic and historic views of the landscape. Port Oneida is a formal historic district, with a gravel roadway to traverse through the homesteads. Heading South on Bohemian Road presents a tunnel-like forested roadway, then Trumbull Road is a low volume no shoulder roadway. Dunns Farm Road has 2’ shoulders, and expect to see more traffic.

Fishermans Island Explore on Bicycle 2

Fishermans Island Explore on Bicycle

Depart from Charlevoix, take the Lake To Lake Trail, and arrive at Fishermans Island for a lakeshore & woodsy ride. Riding surfaces range from solid roadway to a few potential squishy spots on the paths in the Fish Isle backwoods. Not a skinny tire bike ride, however the elevation change is quite minor, making for a relatively easy ride on a hybrid or mountain bike.

Traverse City West Discovery Pier-3

Traverse City West Discovery Pier

Discovery Pier offers cultural discoveries, flanked by West Grand Traverse Bay. Choose walking or bicycle access from TART, and peruse the outdoor and indoor opportunities. Historic vessels abound, offering a fine ride aboard the Tall Ship Manitou. Let the nautical feel overtake you, as you enjoy your day on and around Discovery Pier.

Suttons Bay Bike and Hike 3 Piers-3

Suttons Bay Bike and Hike 3 Piers

A leisure day of light bicycling around town and along the shoreline, mixed in with a walk out on each of the three piers. Land a bite to eat at either end of town, or many options in between.

Leelanau Trail Suttons Bay South-2

Leelanau Trail Suttons Bay South

Suttons Bay on the South side of town offers options without trecking a long distance from the comforts of the Village. A few parks, both on and off the water, with provisions available on your way out. Go far on the Leelanau Trail, or putter about the skirts of town.

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