Crystal River Detail

All Crystal River

Navigating Crystal River is very easy, a great trip for beginners, with the only challenges are to avoid grounding and the road portages. Right away, you will understand why the name is Crystal River – because of the crystal clear water. Start out this shallow float with pure clean steady moving water. Just after the first bend, you will reach the weir that sets the water level for Glen Lakes – i.e. the backwater elevation is approximately the elevation of the water level for Glen Lakes.


  • River Conditions: Initially, the river is barely 2′ deep, with sand & gravel bottom, and medium speed current. After the first road portage, the river gets a little deeper for a while (about 4’ deep), with little current and weedy bottom. Then back to shallow.
  • Bank Conditions: The edges are lush with cedar, hemlock, tamarack, and white pine. Miles of uninhabited woodlands, owned primarily by the National Lakeshore.
  • Development: None above 1st portage, after that, a handful of riverside cottages.
  • Cautions: Multiple portages, with a couple over the road.

Access Notes

  • Fisher Road. Easy access at beginning launch. Parking = 10+/- spots.
  • Crystal View Road. A couple hundred feet downstream of second portage (first road crossing). Launch just after first road portage has 2-3 parking spots.
  • M-22. On M-22, where river comes next to road and heads parallel to road away from Glen Arbor.
  • Staging Distance: 2.3 mi.


  • Length: 4.4 miles.
  • Duration: 3.5 hours total. To first road crossing = 1.5 to 2 hours. From 1st to 2nd road crossing = 1 hour. From second road crossing to just past livery = about ½ hour.
  • Difficulty: [C] Beginner-Intermediate. Need to steer, few obstructions, easily avoid tangles. Portages create additional challenge.
  • Current: [C]. A smooth consistent current, slowing some between the two portages.

Portages. One around small weir, and two over roadway.

  • Crystal River Weir. First portage around dam/weir. Portage on the right, a 50’ drag along a dirt trail, easily accomplished.
  • First Road Crossing. Med difficult. Need to pull boat up an asphalt slope, run it down about 150’ of road, then take it back down to the river using wide steps. (took photo) The part that makes it easy is you can step in the water easily, as it is shallow with a solid bottom.
  • Second Road Crossing. Up and over.

River Play

  • River Break: None. Lots of places to get out and stretch legs, with public land, riverside trail on right side, and generally stable edge. Just before the first bridge / road portage, about 500’ upstream, there is a small meadow on the right side – a great spot for lunch or let the slow movers catch up, before making the second portage.
  • Nature: Watch for resident blue herons, as they fill the sky with their giant wingspan, and often times stop just downstream. Traverses through National Park land.
  • Fishing: Salmon run in the Fall.