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Play Plan

Leland South Seniors in Summer 251-1

Leland South Seniors in Summer

Seniors will enjoy themselves in Leland South with Summer activities like boat watch at Leland Harbor, do some hiking at Whaleback Nat Area, lighten your mind on a beach walk, connect with nature at Whaleback Nat Area, work the local shopping district of Fishtown, create that perfect photo opportunity at Fishtown, find a Petoskey stone along the shores of Good Harbor Beach, catch a big one with Whitecap Charters, fish from Leland Harbor.

Leland South Seniors in Spring 251-1

Leland South Seniors in Spring

Integrating yourself in Leland South as a retiree in Spring makes for a great time to connect with nature at Whaleback Nat Area, find a Petoskey stone along the shores of Good Harbor Beach, fish from Leland Harbor, boat watch at Leland Harbor, do some hiking at Whaleback Nat Area, work the local shopping district of Fishtown, create that perfect photo opportunity at Fishtown, catch a big one with Whitecap Charters, lighten your mind on a beach walk.

Leland South Seniors in Fall 251-1

Leland South Seniors in Fall

Seniors will enjoy themselves in Leland South with Fall activities like connect with nature at Whaleback Nat Area, boat watch at Leland Harbor, do some hiking at Whaleback Nat Area, work the local shopping district of Fishtown, create that perfect photo opportunity at Fishtown, find a Petoskey stone along the shores of Good Harbor Beach, catch a big one with Whitecap Charters, fish from Leland Harbor, lighten your mind on a beach walk.

Leland South Ladies in Winter 251-1

Leland South Ladies in Winter

Getting out on the town in Leland South with the ladies in Winter makes for a great time to work the local shopping district of Leland Downtown, stop at a winery, buy a unique piece of art at Old Art Building and Reflections and another, experience wine tasting at Chateau Fontaine and Good Harbor Vineyards, attend a stage performance at Old Art Building. Swing in to The Bluebird for the awesome Seafood & Whitefish, Riverside Inn for the awesome Appetizers.

Leland South Ladies in Summer 251-1

Leland South Ladies in Summer

Getting out on the town in Leland South with the ladies in Summer makes for a great time to work the local shopping district of Leland Downtown and Fishtown, hit the beach at Hall Beach, treat yourself to some wine at Verterra Winery, boat watch at Leland Harbor, play a set of tennis at Hancock Field. Stop by The Bluebird for the awesome Seafood & Whitefish, Riverside Inn for the awesome Appetizers, Bogey’s for the fantastic Seafood & Prime Rib & Patio.

Leland South Ladies in Spring 251-1

Leland South Ladies in Spring

Ladies will enjoy themselves in Leland South with Spring activities like treat yourself to some wine at Verterra Winery, buy a unique piece of art at Old Art Building and Reflections, work the local shopping district of Leland Downtown and Fishtown, play a set of tennis at Hancock Field, attend a stage performance at Old Art Building. Swing in to The Bluebird for the region’s best Seafood & Whitefish, Riverside Inn for the region’s best Appetizers.

Leland South Ladies in Fall 251-1

Leland South Ladies in Fall

Getting out on the town in Leland South with the ladies in Fall makes for a great time to work the local shopping district of Leland Downtown and Fishtown, treat yourself to some wine at Verterra Winery, buy a unique piece of art at Old Art Building, play a set of tennis at Hancock Field, attend a stage performance at Old Art Building. Stop by The Bluebird for the awesome Seafood & Whitefish, Riverside Inn for the awesome Appetizers, Village Cheese Shanty for the awesome Sandwiches.

Leland South Kids in Winter 251-1

Leland South Kids in Winter

Kids will have a great time in Leland South with Wintertime activities like feed your brain at the Library, Leland Twp. Don’t miss Bogey’s for the region’s best Seafood & Prime Rib.

Leland South Kids in Summer 251-1

Leland South Kids in Summer

Kids will have a great time in Leland South with Summertime activities like hit the beach at Barthalomew Park and Good Harbor Beach, do some hiking at Whaleback Nat Area, lighten your mind on a beach walk, rent a boat from Beach Water Sports, have fun on the playground at Hancock Field, refresh your energy at a recreational park, connect with nature at Whaleback Nat Area, find a Petoskey stone along the shores of Good Harbor Beach.

Leland South Kids in Spring 251-1

Leland South Kids in Spring

Kids will have a great time in Leland South with Spring activities like connect with nature at Whaleback Nat Area, find a Petoskey stone along the shores of Good Harbor Beach, feed your brain at the Library, Leland Twp, have fun on the playground at Hancock Field, refresh your energy at a recreational park, do some hiking at Whaleback Nat Area, fish from Leland Harbor, lighten your mind on a beach walk. Swing in to Bogey’s for the wonderful Seafood & Prime Rib.

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