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Mackinaw City Guys in Winter 3

Mackinaw City Guys in Winter

Hanging out in Mackinaw City with the guys in Winter makes for a great time to appreciate some locally distilled spirits at Grand Traverse Distillery, listen to a live band Dixie Saloon and JR’s Tailgate Pub, relax with a movie at Courtyard Cinema. Don’t miss Audie’s Family Restaurant for the awesome Steak & Salad, Scalawags Whitefish & Chips for the awesome Seafood & Fish & Whitefish, Keyhole Bar & Grill for the region’s best Hamburgers.


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    • PlayPlan

      Thank you for your comments, the site will continue to develop.

    • PlayPlan

      Thank you! PlayMap will continue to expand and provide fun posts.

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    • PlayPlan

      My apologies, it may be a while before I am able to translate the website to Spanish, but hope to get there some day.

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    • PlayPlan

      My apologies, I have not set up the subscription yet. Soon it will be available, with many more options.

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      Thank you for your comments! I am just getting launched, and finishing out the back end first. I hope to have better android output soon. Stay tuned!

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    • PlayPlan

      Thank you! Lots more to come!

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